 Home»Computer Science» An electronic student learning portal (case study of the department of computer studies)

An electronic student learning portal (case study of the department of computer studies)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon harnubhoi  

 Project ID: 7045
   Rating:  (4.0) votes: 2
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An Electronic Student Learning Portal is a computerized system designed and programmed to deal with day-to-day operations taking place. However, this is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation and delivery of educational courses, training programs, materials and learning programs. This system manages the entire learning process, from student registration to administering the course, maintaining educational records, and analyzing their performances. The demand to gain knowledge or to learn has risen. Thus, the present technology had gone a long way to provide means to learn, irrespective of the distance or the location of the learner and source of information. ...
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