Examining the factors affecting property development in Kaduna metropolis Department: Estate Management By: abdul6ix9ine Project ID: 7132 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research title examines the factors affecting property development, also called real estate development is essentially the process of developing a building or land into a higher-use value. It is a multi-faceted business that can encompass any of the following Buying land and building property on it, renovating, extending, or improving property and converting property from one use type to another. Property development plays an important role in the social and economic life of the people. Property development encountered some factors which has become a hindrance in the economic growth of the community, state, and the country at large such as government policy, development control lack of finance and public crisis, and so on. The project has revealed that these factors affecting property development in the study area have greatly affected the demand and supply of property values and the pace of development. While conducting the research, the researcher used primary sources of collecting data through personal interviews, personal observations, and questionnaires. Secondary sources of collecting data by internet searches, textbooks, and journals. Simple random sampling was used in the selection of the population. It was found that based on the research from the respondents, 45% indicate commercial Properties development and42.5% indicate residential property development and 12.5% show agricultural property development. The enhancement of property development needs more attention from federal, state and local governments as well as enhancing the well-being of the people in the study area. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Estate Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»Effect of building material cost on housing development in Nigeria»Effects of obsolescence on residential properties (a case study of Oparanozie street in Owerri, Imo state) »An assessment of residential housing problem in the urban areas of Nigeria (a case study of Umuahia urban)»Effect of environmental pollution on real estate development (a case study of Warri, Delta state)»Recreational Property Development in Owerri Imo State ( A Case Study of Owerri Municipal )»Problems of urban land management (a case study of Owerri capital territory) »Challenges associated with the valuation of specialized properties»Challenges associated with real estate investment in Enugu, Nigeria»Effect of location on rental value of commercial property - a case study of Bida metropolis»Impact of land use act on property development in Nigeria»The effect of oil spillage on residential property investment (a case study of Oyibo in Rivers state) »The economic implication of multiple hostel accommodation in tertiary institution in Nigeria (a case study of federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri) »Comparative analysis of the impact of infrastructural facilities on the value of properties»Land use regulations and its effects on land development»The impact of Akwa ibom state university of science and technology on social development of mkpat enin L.G.A Akwa ibom state