Local government revenue generation and administration (case study of Omuma local government) Department: Public Administration By: fctnett Project ID: 7149 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractLocal government is faced with varieties of difficulties to source adequate revenue from the Federal government, State government and internally generated revenue, such problems are cogwheel to the smooth running of local government administration. There is dishonesty on the part of officers collecting the revenue, such as cases of printing receipts by the officers had been the major problem in releasing the expected revenues. The machinery put in place for the collection of revenue is inadequate hence, most of the government money is not collected and this is in the case of the internally generated funds that is while, there is a need to review revenue generation in local government in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to review the revenue collection in local government to analyze the machinery of internally generated revenue, to determine the impact of revenue generated in Nigerian local government, and to review the various sources of internally generated revenue. Data were collected from Omuma local government of Rivers State for this study and the analysis is through descriptive analysis involving the use of percentage tabulation and counts while the inferential statistical method employs chi-square. Keeping appropriate accounting records and books, staff motivation etc, workers should be encouraged so that they can put in their maximum services and when this is done, there will be an increase or solid improvement in revenue generation and administration. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Public Administration project topics and materials you might be interested in»Impact of industrial conflict on the performance of workers in the government parastatal (a case study of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)»Human resources as a catalyst for economic growth and development in Nigeria (a case study of Abuja municipal area council) »The influence of effective personnel management practice in organization performance»Local government financial autonomy and grass root development in Nigeria (a case study of Afikpo north local government area)»Manpower training and development as a tool for effective performance in public sector in Nigeria»The impact of poor revenue generation on the development of Local Government Areas»Enhancing political stability in Nigeria through good governance ( a case study of Abia state)»Niger-Delta crisis and its impact on socio-economic development in Nigeria»Effects of delayed payment of lecturers salaries and wages on students performance»Bureaucracy and efficiency (a case study of Enugu state civil service)»Political instability a major hindrance to effective policy implementation and good governance (a case study of Nigeria 1983 -1999)»Fuel subsidy removal and the Nigerian economy (a case study of Abakiliki local government area, Ebonyi state) »Accountability and corruption in local government in Nigeria (Case study of Bonny local government area of Rivers state)»Impact of collective bargaining techniques on industrial relations practice (a case study of two selected firms from NUPENG and NUBIFE)»The influence of employee behaviour on the internal audit function of an organization (a case study of P.Z. industries plc Aba)