 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a computerized medical duties scheduling system

Design and implementation of a computerized medical duties scheduling system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 716
   Rating:  (3.0) votes: 7
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There is always the need to introduce more changes or modification in the hospital curricula particularly in the area of their duties scheduling to be able to meet demand. Medical duties scheduling is a list of activities or things to be done showing the time or dates when they are intended to happen in a tabular form. To design of hospital medical duties scheduling to a particular duty at a particular time to avoid unnecessary clashes, the medical duties scheduling system should enable one know where about of any medical personnel at a particular point in time. The problems encountered in manual preparation is been detected. Solution to the problem of medical duties scheduling system is solved and the recommendation made on how to maintain the system effectively. The program was designed with Visual Basic 6.0 and Access database ...
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