The effect of supervision in cooperative organisation (case study of Federal Polytechnic Cooperative Thrift and Loan society ltd, Nekede) Department: Co-Operative Economics and Management By: fctnett Project ID: 7161 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study was focused on the effect of supervise strategy on organizational performance, with a particular study of cooperative thrift and loan society Nekede. It would be necessary, however, to note that owing to the present economic crunch it was difficult to appraise supervisor strategy as to its contribution to the dwindling performance of most business organizations, cooperative thrift, and loan society in particular. In all, the research has tried to view the review of the relationship between the supervision at cooperative thrift and loan societies on one land and their sub-ordinary on the other hand. The outcome of this relationship was anglicized. It is believed that at the end of the successful conduct of this research, the effect of supervisory strategy on organizational performance would have been found. The influence of organizational environment on supervisory strategy would have been unveiled. The supervisor can positively influence workers' attitudes to enhance organizational performance besides, it would be able to give suggestions that will boost the subordinate’s morale and enhance organizational performance. At the end of this study, the purpose of showing the effect of supervision strategy on organizational performance would have been achieved. The research through its findings and recommendations will no doubt contribute immensely towards creating a better working environment for both supervisors with leadership appropriate to ensuring subordinate compliance and higher organizational performance. The study will also raise the consciousness of both supervisors and subordinates in their various rational roles towards each other and enhance greater performance. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Co-Operative Economics and Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»The role of government in cooperative development (a case study of selected cooperative societies in Ahiazu Mbaise L.G.A Imo state) »The role of consumer cooperative in the economic development of Nigeria (a case study of consumer cooperative in Imo state - federal polytechnic Nekede) »The contributions of cooperative societies to the economic development (a case study of Oru-east local government area) »Strategies for effective management of cooperative business organisation (a case study of the cooperative thrift and loan society limited) »Problems and prospects of agricultural cooperative towards economic development (a case study of Oru-west L.G.A Imo state) »Government Policies on Small Scale Business, its Impact on Nigeria Cooperative Development ( A Case Study of Cooperatives Societies in Anambra State )»Cooperative activities on small scale industrial development»Cooperative society as an instrument of rural development»Problems and prospects of cooperative in small scale business in Nigeria (a case study of selected cooperative societies in Owerri west L.G.A Imo state) »Cooperative societies - a viable tool for creating investment opportunities in rural areas»Analysis of the causes and effect of poor performance of cooperative societies in Imo state (A case study of selected cooperatives in Obowo L.G.A) »Enhancing the performance of cooperative societies through the application of cooperative principles and legislations»The importance of improving agricultural production through the activities of agricultural cooperatives in Nigeria (a case study of some selected cooperative societies in Mbaise l.g.a) »The positive impact of consumer co-operative towards revamping the Nigeria economy (a case study of the consumer co-operatives in Owerri west local government area, Imo state) »The role of federal government in cooperative financing (a case study of Nigerian agricultural cooperative rural development bank Owerri branch office)