 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of online admission and result checking system

Design and implementation of online admission and result checking system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 717
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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In every institution, admission and result are the most important data which is the basis for each candidate. The institution makes sure that every student comes into the institution through a verified process. On the other hand, the institution makes sure that every qualified student who is duely admitted, goes out with a comprehensive result so as to ascertain his/her studentship. The major aim of this project is to enable the institution produce qualify students that is students who did not come into the institution through falsification of result and who did not graduate with a maneuvered result. All these will be achieved by using a system which its operation is not basically manual. The application is developed with PHP and MySQL ...
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