 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a computerized SMS portal for a church

Design and implementation of a computerized SMS portal for a church

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 719
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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The project on the topic“design and implementation of computerized SMS portal” aims at making the reader to understand the concept of SMS portal and portal in general. When a portal is mentioned, it is very wide, but this paper is intended to concentrate mainly on the SMS portal. This research work has enlightened more on the concept of portal systems, personal portals, cultural portals, co-operate portals, tenders portals, hosted web portals, search portals, stock portals, domain-specific portals, government web portals, and desirable features of portals. Both existing and new systems are carefully analyzed and more advantage of the new one over the old indicate that the problems encountered in the existing system such as untimely delivery of messages, unsecured information, and unreliable storage will be brought to rest. Base on the complexity of the system, it is recommended that the system administrator should be well trained on the effective management of the system database and the entire portal, the system network should be well installed, and subscription made to a reliable internet service provider, with suitable data plan. The web portal should be updated regularly to gain fast internet services, which enhance fast delivery of information or messages. The system is designed with PHP software and should be adopted by the Christ embassy Ishiagu, Ebonyi for its effective short message sending....
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