 Home»Education» Factors that are responsible for students dropout from senior secondary school in Nassarawa local government area

Factors that are responsible for students dropout from senior secondary school in Nassarawa local government area

 Department: Education  
 By: usericon sagiersageer  

 Project ID: 7221
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This research project is meant to investigate the factors of students’ dropout from their senior secondary school in Nassarawa Local Government Area of Kano State. The effects of students’ dropout have a great negative effect on any society, especially in developing countries. For the purpose of finding the effects of students dropout, the research design adopted was survey and an open questionnaire for school administrators, teachers and parents is designed to examine the problem of student dropout in senior secondary schools in Nassarawa Local Government Area of Kano State factors responsible for the frequent cases of students dropout were identified by the researchers which includes: lack of equipment and infrastructure, lack of qualified teachers, laboratory equipment, libraries and textbooks are some of the factors responsible for students dropout from schools. To some of the reasons according to parents are high school fees, examination fees, poverty etc. This may lead to the withdrawal of their children from schools those students who by circumstances could not finish their studies might end up being Armed robbers, Hooligans, Prostitutes, Destitute, and others. Recommendations were made for these problems as such government should make schooling more attractive by providing job opportunities to school leavers at any level. Also, the government should focus on the standard curriculum implementation and changes to minimize the rate of school dropout across the country the factors responsible for students dropping out should be explained to the students as well as parents in order to encourage their future careers....
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