The analysis of thematic preoccupation in the poem - ambassdors of poverty (by Philip O Umeh) Department: English By: muhalhq Project ID: 7303 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study delves into Philip O. Umeh's poem Ambassadors of Poverty, examining its thematic preoccupations and stylistic devices. The study's objective was to uncover the poem's profound engagement with poverty pervasiveness and far-reaching effects. Through close analysis, the study revealed the poet's critique of societal structures and political systems that perpetuate poverty, while also highlighting the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Employing a thematic analysis framework, the study examined the poem's recurrent themes, including poverty as a dehumanizing force, inequality and social disparities, struggles and resilience, lack of empathy and compassion, and loss of dreams and aspirations. The analysis also explored the poet's masterful use of stylistic devices, such as metaphors, personification, hyperbole, repetition, and irony, to create a powerful and evocative work that resonates deeply with readers. The study's findings underscore the poem's significance as a powerful literary work that engages with a critical social and political issue."Ambassadors of Poverty" serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address the root causes of poverty and promote a more equitable and just society. The study recommends further research on the comparative representation of poverty in literature across regions and time periods, the poem's role in African literature and its contribution to the broader discourse on poverty and social justice, its impact on popular culture and its potential to inspire social change, and sociolinguistic analysis of the poem's language and its reflection of the experiences and perspectives of those affected by poverty. Keywords: Poverty, Literature, Social Justice, Stylistic Devices, Philip O. Ume ...Preview Download Preview +Other English project topics and materials you might be interested in»Factors affecting the choice of language in a multilingual society»Stylistic analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s half of a yellow sun»Corruption and victimization in isidore okpewhotides and anthony abaghas children of oloibiri»Political corruption and symbolism in Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi’s half of a yellow sun and Okey Ndibe’s arrows of rain»The society and the girl child in the bluest eye by Toni Morrison and Kaine Agary's yellow yellow»A stylistic analysis of selected short stories in jasper Onuekwusi's the triumphant return and Chimamanda Adichie's - A Thing Around Your Neck»Struggle and survival in a cowrie of hope by Binwell Sinyangwe and the Cardinals by Bessie Head»The post colonial experiences in warsan shire’s selected poems - ‘what we own’, ‘conversation about home (at the deportation centre)’ and ‘beauty’»The language of the Christian religion: A comparative study of roman catholic church and some selected pentecostal denominations»The effect of the Nigerian Pidgin English on the academic performance of university students in Nigeria - a case study of National Open University of Nigeria students in Benin study centre»The misuse of the English articles in selected Nigerian newspapers»Linguistic stylistic analysis of Toni Morrison Sula»Analysis of political corruption and underdevelopment in harvest of corruption by Frank Ogodo Ogbeche and naira has no gender by Olu Obafemi»Feminism in African novels - a study of Amma Sarkos beyond the horizon and faceless»Thematic analysis of Besie Head's When Rain Clouds Gather