Assessing the effect of poverty on the educational attainment of youths in Katsina metropolis Department: Sociology By: EmmyICT Project ID: 7319 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe aim of this study is to assess the Effect of Poverty on the Educational Attainment of Youths in Katsina Metropolis. Specific objectives were outlined as thus: To assess the extent to which the economic status of the parent affects the educational attainment of the youths in Katsina Metropolis, to examine the extent to which the educational background of parents influences the educational attainment of the youths in Katsina Metropolis, to investigate other factors responsible for the educational attainment of the youths in Katsina Metropolis. The theories used in the study are; Structural Functionalist Theory and conflict theory, while conflict theory was adopted. The researcher adopted cluster sampling technique to collect data from the respondents. Cluster sampling is a procedure in which the researcher chooses a study unit progressively, beginning with cluster and moving to smaller clusters and then to smaller groups within them as the case may be. Each cluster is given equal chances to be represented before the final sampling and will be considered. Ten secondary schools were selected in Katsina metropolis.The sample size of this study is one hundred (100) respondents who are youths. The researcher considers this sample size large enough for the study, taking into consideration the statistical analyses. From the data gathered by the researcher, it was discovered that the majority of the respondents represented by 63% (60) were of the view that the economic status of their parents affects their educational attainment, while 37% (36) of respondents said that the economic status of their parents do not affect their educational attainment. therefore, since the majority of respondents, 63% from the data in table 6 above asserted that parental economic status d affects youths' educational attainment; we can then infer that the economic background of parents affects youths' educational attainment. Based on these findings, the null hypothesis which said that there is no significant relationship between poor economic status and educational attainment of youth is rejected....Preview Download Preview +Other Sociology project topics and materials you might be interested in»Knowledge and attitude of undergraduate students towards homosexuality and its implication on social adjustment (A study of Caritas university, Amorji-Nike, Emene, Enugu state) »Assessing factors responsible for community self-help projects and rural development – a study of selected communities in Ado-Odo/Ota local government area»A sociological snalysis of the media and crime control in Abuja Municipality FCT»Unemployment and involvement in crime in urban communities»Comparative study of socio-economic background of parents towards their children in relation to academic performance»The impact of social distancing and frequent handwashing in reducing the spread of coronavirus disease (covid-19) in Nigeria»Socio-cultural effect of herders attack on farmers productivity in Akure north Lga, Ondo state»Effects of malnutrition among children of lower socioeconomic status of age 0-5 years»Youth unemployment and insecurity - case study of Rivers State»The impact of child trafficking on women in Nigeria»Causes and impact of indiscipline among secondary school students»Impact of orphanage home on the child’s personality development»Female gender discrimination in work place among civil service workers in Enugu state local government area of Enugu state»Radio Biafra and civil war of 1967-1970: lessons for the contemporary media industry in south-south region»Social media effect on youth perception of police