 Home»Political Science» Banditry and internal security in Nigeria (case study of Batsari Lga of katsina state)

Banditry and internal security in Nigeria (case study of Batsari Lga of katsina state)

 Department: Political Science  
 By: usericon EmmyICT  

 Project ID: 7324
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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This study examines Banditry and Internal security in Nigeria a case study in Batsari L.G.A of Katsina State. The objective of the study is to understand the effect of banditry on internal security. Human Needs theory developed by Abraham Maslow in 1954 was applied as the theoretical framework of analysis. Descriptive Survey design was adopted where 400 respondents were sampled. The study found that the majority of the respondents believed that provision of the society''s basic needs would reduce the effect of banditry in the study area. In addition to the findings, the study shows that banditry has affected agricultural productivity as well as affected individual livelihood activities. Based on the findings the study recommended that to be able to wipe out banditry, government should increase the severity of punishment on the offender and put more security measures to detect the act in order to deter people from the act. Also, the creation of jobs and empowerment schemes by the government and society can help to reduce this social malaise. Keywords Banditry, Security, Internal Security....
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