Comparison of academic performance of English language Pupils between casual teachers and regular teachers at Layout Primary School, Katsina Department: Education By: EmmyICT Project ID: 7327 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦2000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractIn this study"Comparison of academic performance of English language Pupils between casual teachers and regular teachers at Layout Primary School," teachers’ responsibilities are many and also varied, it is to these our attention shall be turned. In any formal learning situation, the teacher is a key figure, guiding the students and providing leadership where necessary. Teaching is one of the services provided in the society. As a result, the Federal Government of Nigeria recognized teaching as a profession in the country through the National Policy on Education (2004). In Katsina Primary schools, the number of casual teachers is very high as a result of the low level of employment and lack of government to turn those casual teachers into permanent. In most educational institutions, teachers who are supposed to be regular or permanent teachers are teaching as casual teachers. Subjects like English are also threatened by the low number of qualified and certified teachers there leaving the school administration with no other option than to source those teachers from external sources, thereby not giving the students the required training and knowledge about the particular subject. This has really affected the learning of the student (Patrick, 2012). This research is therefore aimed at making a comparative analysis of the academic performance of students in English taught between casual teachers and regular teachers in Dan Marna Primary School Katsina....Preview Download Preview +Other Education project topics and materials you might be interested in»Strategies for improving low academic performance in English language in secondary schools»The effect of continuous assessment on academic performance of students in school (a case study of Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state)»Influence of social media on the performance of secondary school students as perceived by teachers»The effect of overpopulation on the academic performance of students - a case study of Uselu secondary school, Benin City»The use of extensive reading in promoting communication competence in secondary school»Effect of drill and practice on the academic achievement of students in English language in junior secondary schools»Evaluating the causes, effects and solutions to cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions»The problems of primary school education in Kano State»Factors affecting the effective implementation of continuous assessment in Oredo local government area of Edo state»Effect of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students»Factors associated with the mass failure of students in integrated science in secondary schools»Factors affecting the implementation of universal basic education in some selected primary schools»Cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions - a case study of Lagos state university»Efficacy of mastery learning on retention and performance in identified threshold concepts in chemistry among secondary school students in Kano municipal, Nigeria»Impact of principal’s leadership style on students’ academic performance in some selected secondary schools of Gwale local government area, Kano state