 Home»Marketing» The impact of advertising on sales performance

The impact of advertising on sales performance

 Department: Marketing  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 736
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The study aimed at assessing the effect of advertising on the performance of an organization, case study being Mukwano industry in Kampala. The study was mainly looking at advertising and performance of Mukwano industry and if this was effective to the organization. The researcher used a cross-sectional research design with both qualitative and quantitative methods with a population study of 150 people out of which a sample size of 40 employees was chosen. Stratified sampling design was used to divide the employees into strata which were departments under which the employees worked, and they included marketing, operational, production and supply departments. Using simple random sampling respondents were chosen from the different departments selected and questionnaires distributed to the selected respondents from the four departments in the industry. Both the primary and secondary data was used during the collection of data. Data was collected by use of questioners and observation methods and analyzed in the form of tables. Findings revealed that Mukwano advertises most of its products and it uses different forms of advertising and media, but the level of Mukwano’s sales was declining despite their frequent advertisements. There was a strong relationship of (r 0.9 0) between advertising and sales performance. The industry  should use most of the local languages commonly used in Uganda to win customers from all tribes, use of e-marketing to be adopted by the industry to reach most of the people who can access the internet than listen to radios and televisions and also the use of celebrities in advertising their products, and finally the researcher recommends the use of other forms of advertising, for example, sponsoring events and also the use of mobile phones to advertise ...
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