Construction of solar powered incubator with 30 eggs hatching capacity Department: Electrical Electronics Engineering By: SIRJOSEPH Project ID: 7361 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis work presents a standalone solar-powered incubation system based on a prototype microcontroller for the artificial hatching of thirty eggs. The cost of chicken production is getting out of hand lately due to the energy crisis experienced globally, necessitated to look at other ways of generating energy for egg incubation. Solar-powered incubation systems surmount the challenges by supplementing the power. The incubation system consists of a temperature controller, temperature contactor and fan. The fan ensures an even diffusion of hot air in the incubation system, while the temperature controller maintains the temperature constant by energizing and de-energizing the temperature contactor. The task of the temperature controller is to transmit an electrical signal to the contactor to get de-energized by switching off the heater temporarily, which would get to a desirable temperature of 37. Likewise, when the temperature decreases beyond its desired value, the contactor will be energized again, hence switching on the system. The construction of an incubation system would increase economic activities in the off-grid areas by improving the production of poultry farming....Preview Download Preview +Other Electrical Electronics Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»The construction of a 2kva automatic voltage regulator (AVR)»Generation of Constant Power Supply from a DC Source»Design and construction of a digital clock with calendar»Construction of digital AC power controller»A remote controlled AC fan speed regulator using discrete integrated circuit»Remote controlled antenna»The construction of automatic voltage inverter and a battery charger»Design of 2.5kw automatic voltage regulation with seven segment display»Simple sensitive touch alarm»Construction of a car touch intruder alarm»Design and construction of 2KVA inverter»Design and construction of 5kva power inverter»Design and installation of 200 WATT solar power system»Construction of a battery charger»Design and construction of an automatic change over switch