Design and implementation of biometric fingerprint based attendance system Department: Electrical Electronics Engineering By: EmmyICT Project ID: 7367 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦5000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis project has mainly focused on the design and construction of a Biometric Fingerprint Based Attendance System that is able to keep record of attendance and count the data for daily purposes. In this project, Biometric Attendance Based System was designed using Arduino UNO. Simply we will be interfacing fingerprint sensor with Arduino, LCD Display& RTC Module to design the desired project. A Fingerprint Sensor (R307) was used which senses the Fingerprint of a particular student a LED gets activated whenever a student places his finger on the sensor. Then the fingerprint is stored in SD Card with ID no. Many people can store their fingerprints. Then next time any student puts his/her finger on the sensor it checks whether there are any matching fingerprints or not. If his/her fingerprint matches with any of the stored fingerprints then the LCD display shows which student it is and the time of checking. In this model, all the fingerprints are stored each and every time someone places his/her finger. Results indicate that the system is able to accurately verify user identities with a high degree of accuracy and is capable of logging user attendance in a timely manner. The system can also be used to improve security by preventing unauthorized access to the premises. Additionally, the system provides a cost-effective solution for attendance management. The system could be used in various applications such as offices, schools, and government institutions where attendance needs to be monitored....Preview Download Preview +Other Electrical Electronics Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»The construction of a 2kva automatic voltage regulator (AVR)»Generation of Constant Power Supply from a DC Source»Design and construction of a digital clock with calendar»Construction of digital AC power controller»A remote controlled AC fan speed regulator using discrete integrated circuit»Remote controlled antenna»The construction of automatic voltage inverter and a battery charger»Design of 2.5kw automatic voltage regulation with seven segment display»Simple sensitive touch alarm»Construction of a car touch intruder alarm»Design and construction of 5kva power inverter»Design and construction of 2KVA inverter»Construction of a battery charger»Design and installation of 200 WATT solar power system»Design and construction of an automatic change over switch