ICT skills, social media use and service delivery by librarians in federal universities in south-west, Nigeria Department: Information Management Technology By: Ekings Project ID: 7374 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦5000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study investigated the influence of ICT skills and social media use on library service delivery by librarians in the Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted for the study. The population was made up of 126 librarians from Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria. Total enumeration sampling technique was used to cover all the librarians from five out of the six Federal Universities. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for ICT skills was 0.93, Social media was 0.83 and library service delivery was 0.73. A response rate of 95.4% was obtained. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Findings showed that librarians were skilled in ICT. It was also shown that the extent of use of social media tools for library services was generally low. Findings also revealed that the most popular social media tool used was Facebook, followed by WhatsApp, YouTube and Instant Message (IM). It was also revealed that librarians made very low use of Pinterest, Flickr and Podcast. Erratic power supply, poor internet access, and inadequate ICT facilities were some of the constraints in the use of social media. Significant relationships between ICT skills and library services (r 0.677, p .05) and Social media and Library Services (r 0.415, p .05) were found. The two variables jointly influenced librarians’ library services which accounted for 98% variance in the dependent variable (R2 .98, F (1,56) 56, p .05). It was found that ICT Skills positively influenced Library services (ß .256) as well as Social Media Use (ß .163)....Preview Download Preview +Other Information Management Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»The impact of internet and the way it influence students reading culture»The effect of ICT on the Nigerian economic growth and development»Impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the performance of nurses staff»Design and implementation of an online departmental opinion poll system»The problems and prospects of using information and communication technology for record keeping in tertiary institutions in Nigeria»Information behaviour and work effectiveness of physicians in selected government hospitals in Edo state, Nigeria»ICT skills, social media use and service delivery by librarians in federal universities in south-west, Nigeria»Information literacy competence and use of information resources by medical students in two universities in Lagos state, Nigeria»Influence of patient records management practices, disease surveillance and notification systems on epidemic control in Osun state, Nigeria»Information literacy skills, computer self-efficacy and e-resources use by postgraduate students in private university libraries in south-west, Nigeria