 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of tax collection and management system

Design and implementation of tax collection and management system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon SIRJOSEPH  

 Project ID: 7397
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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Information is an essential tool in any organization's planning, decision-making, control and monitoring process loses value in the absence of a viable (possible) online information system. The need is more viable where a lot of queue is involved and slow processing of information by the organization, like in a complete processing of tax payment as can be found in the Board of Internal Revenue (tax payment and revenue collection) outlet. It would therefore be most helpful if one had at one’s disposal a tool flow of transaction funds as well as audit for the control process. This project sets out to develop an online-based tax payment/collection and management system for processing such information and monitoring the rate at which taxpayer pay their due taxes. It incorporates place numbers, registration of vehicles, learner permit, change of ownership and all types of revenue collection. A review of the effectiveness of an existing system used in the Board of Internal Revenue Owerri reveals that the board has been encountering a lot of problems in carrying out their activities, like poor funding by the government to generate revenue, problem of logistics etc. hence, this project sets out to develop an electronic tax payment system for processing of information acquired by the board under study which will also help in solving the listed problems that has been a cancer-worm to the board, in carrying out their activities and revenue generation. The new system will developed using PHP and MySQL. This language was chosen because of its easy syntax and features for developing web-based applications. ...
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