An econometric analysis of the effects of monetary policy on the Nigerian economy Department: Economics By: mattkings Project ID: 741 Rating: (3.6) votes: 7Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study aimed at analyzing through econometric methodology the effects of monetary policy in Nigeria economy. To meet the above objective, output growth was chosen as the dependent variable while real exchange rate, real interest rate, and inflation were chosen as the independent variable. The ordinary least square was used in the regression estimation. From the empirical result, we realized that the entire explanatory variables are insignificant in the t-test, but in f-test, we rejected the null hypothesis and conclude that the slope coefficient are not simultaneously equal to zero. We realize from the battery test that there is cointegration between the explanatory band the dependent variables since its level of stationarity are the same. The policy implication of the result is that if monetary and banking policies are effectively applied, it will be consistent with determining the level of output growth in the economy ...Preview Download Preview +Other Economics project topics and materials you might be interested in»The impact of industrialization on Nigeria's economic development»The impact of minimum wage fluctuation on growth of Nigerian economy»Population growth and economic development in Nigeria (1981-2011)»The impact of population growth on the Nigerian economy (1980-2010)»The impact of petroleum subsidy on the consumption of petroleum products in Nigeria»The impact of small and medium scale industries on the economic growth of Nigeria (1986 – 2010)»The impact of industrial output on the economy of Nigeria (1980-2010)»The growth of Nigerian economy and unemployment (1980-2010)»The effect of external debt on economic growth of Nigeria»Impact of government expenditure on Nigerian economic growth (1981 – 2010)»Poverty and the Nigerian economy»An assessment on the impact of industrialization on economic growth in Nigeria»The impact of external debt on Nigeria economy (1985-2011)»Inequality and taxation in Nigeria (1980-2010)»The impact of bank lending on the growth of small and medium business in Osun State