 Home»Chemistry» Comparative study of physico-chemical properties and essential mineral of some fruit juice orange and tomato

Comparative study of physico-chemical properties and essential mineral of some fruit juice orange and tomato

 Department: Chemistry  
 By: usericon bapatigi7954  

 Project ID: 7434
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This study is aimed at comparing the physicochemical properties and essential minerals of tomato and orange fruits. Healthy, mature, ripe orange fruits and fresh tomatoes were purchased from the Kure Modern Market in Minna Niger State. Mouldy and wounded fruits were exempted to avoid contamination, changes in colour, ta Oranges and tomatoes were washed, peeled and cut into reasonable pieces. Juices from the cut samples were extracted with the aid of an electric blender and filtered with the aid of a Fine-mesh sieve to obtain a clear juice. Preliminary work was carried out to determine the yield, pH of the oranges. Two varieties of oranges, namely late Valencia and Pineapple were selected and used in the formulation of the fruit juices ste or flavour of the juice. The samples were transported in a polythene bag to the institution of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Science Laboratory for juice formulation, and physico-chemical and mineral analyses. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA to compare the physiochemical properties and essential mineral contents of orange and tomato juices. Statistical significance was set at p  0.05. The analysis of orange and tomato juices revealed notable differences in their acidity, physical properties, and mineral compositions. Oranges exhibited a mean total titratable acidity of 4.175%, suggesting moderate variability among samples but with a predominant concentration around the mean. The specific gravity indicated that oranges were slightly denser than water, with a relatively uniform density among the sampled oranges. The pH of orange juice was 4.0975, indicating a slightly acidic nature attributed to the presence of citric acid. The protein content exhibited variability, centered around the mean of 0.39%....
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