 Home»Computer Science» Computerized guest information tracking system (a study of Central Bank of Nigeria)

Computerized guest information tracking system (a study of Central Bank of Nigeria)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Klintex001  

 Project ID: 7475
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The aim of this study was an assessment of computerized guest information tracking system with reference to Central Bank of Nigeria as a case study. The specific objectives of this research were to produce a system where information and output reports will be produced much faster, more accurately and more detailed, keep a record of the total number of guests coming to the bank on a daily basis, Keep track of old guests in case of any security breach and provide a password to prevent unauthorized users from accessing and manipulating information. It was concluded that the role of guest tracking information management has become an integral part of an establishment set up in Nigerian society that intends to keep good relationships between the organization and its clients. The results of this study coupled with the relative observation in similar organizations in this country have shown an indication that guest information management, as oxygen is to human lungs, is a function that cannot be under-estimated and overruled in any organization where efficiency of operation is a matter of consideration. The workforce or manpower resource of an organization is the most valuable asset and as such, this aspect of managerial role requires urgent and special attention....
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