 Home»Computer Science» Crime information management system for Nigeria Correctional Service in Jalingo

Crime information management system for Nigeria Correctional Service in Jalingo

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon SIRJOSEPH  

 Project ID: 7684
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 2
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Crime information management system for Nigeria Correctional Service in Jalingo has long been a neglected area and has only recently been included in the 20-20 vision document under the e-governance. Currently, prisoner’s records are maintained in a very rudimentary way in the form of manual files and registers. This method of data management often results in human error, delays in retrieving information etc. Thus, An Online crime Management System was designed and implemented to manage crime records for the Nigerian correctional service Jalingo command. This project was done using basic HTML for visible web contents, PHP for server scripting and MySQL database was used to store and manage the prisoner’s records. Tools used to achieve this project include Dreamweaver CS5 HTML editor, CSS 3 for styling, JavaScript, PHPwamp5 server and MySQL. The project was implemented successfully and the result obtained provides a single management system that integrates all the information about a prisoner in a single profile and can easily be accessed which improved the overall efficiency of crime management. ...
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