 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of online student identity card system

Design and implementation of online student identity card system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Muhammnnad1  

 Project ID: 7734
   Rating:  (3.5) votes: 2
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This project work is based on an online system that generates student ID cards, the project also shows how an online system works, its usage, and its advantages as can be seen in the way and manner it saves time taken to process the ID card and security services rendered by the online system which prevents unauthorized access, division after paying ID (fee) to the accountant, fill all the information and submit. Finally, the student ID card is generated and viewed by the administrator before it’s printed. Mostly ID cards are processed and developed manually but recently, developing an online ID card generating system brings in a new dimension. The motivation of this project is based on the fact that most current and reliable information is derived through the computer system that is through the internet system, as such there is an urgent need to develop all academic facilities of the institutions with a computer base system in order to meet their current challenges faced by its users....
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