 Home»Banking and Finance» Fraud and forgeries in banking industry - causes, effects, and the way forward

Fraud and forgeries in banking industry - causes, effects, and the way forward

 Department: Banking and Finance  
 By: usericon jessy03  

 Project ID: 781
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 15
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Financial institution especially banks many times have experienced continuous problems in the form of fraud and forgeries which has negatively affected the economy generally. This research is aimed at identifying the incidences of fraud and forgeries of the banking sector, with emphasis on the causes, effects and the way forward. The research design adopted in this research work is the descriptive approach which measures exploration and investigation element. The adoption of a descriptive approach was necessitated by the desire to simplify the complex issue in fraud in the banking industry. The major findings of this work show that fraud and forgery has a negative effect in the banking industry and also that poor management contributes to the failure of banks in the economic system. In recommendation, we recommended that all banks in the system should always make conscious efforts to have good and dedicated board of directors and management team to provide purposeful leadership and sound bank management. ...
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