Nursing mothers and the teaching of home economics in the junior secondary schools in Gwale local government area of Kano state Department: Home Economics By: mbccafesrcoe Project ID: 7846 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study was carried out to assess the nursing mothers and the teaching of home economics in the junior secondary school in Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State. To attain the goals of the study, three (3) specific objectives, three (3) research questions and were raised for the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study with a population of thirty-eight (38) Home Economics junior secondary schools in Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State. Purposive sampling technique was used, that is the entire population was used as a sample for the study. For data collection, a self-structured questionnaire modified on a four-point rating scale was used. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that the nursing effect has an aggregate mean of 2.72 signifying influence on teacher performance nursing affects job performance has an influence on Home Economics nursing mothers in teaching home economics with an aggregate of 2.58 and Nursing influences the health of teachers teaching home economics in junior secondary schools, in Gwale local government area of Kano State, because the aggregate mean of 2.43 was below the agreement mark of 2.5. From the findings of the study, it was concluded that nursing mothers and the teaching of home economics in the junior secondary school in Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State have much to do in their workplace and at home which may influence their performance. In addition, proper use of strategies will influence Home Economics nursing teacher performance at home and workplace. It was recommended that school management should emphasize the importance of time management skills to staff during teacher meetings and to students during classroom hours. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Home Economics project topics and materials you might be interested in»The effect of malnutrition in children from 1 - 5 years - a case study of Kumbotso Lga of Kano state»Use of anthropometry to determine the prevalence of malnutrition among primary school children in Kumbotso local government area»Challenges of exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers - case study of Jalingo local government area of Taraba state»Consequences of parental negative emotions on children beheviour among families in Makurdi metropolis»Nursing mothers and the teaching of home economics in the junior secondary schools in Gwale local government area of Kano state