 Home»History and International Studies» The significance of law enforcement agencies on crime management in Nigeria - the Nigeria Police Force, Kogi state chapter

The significance of law enforcement agencies on crime management in Nigeria - the Nigeria Police Force, Kogi state chapter

 Department: History and International Studies  
 By: usericon HadjiEedriz207  

 Project ID: 794
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The issue of crime management is gaining global notoriety particularly with the emergence of militant groups across the globe. This is even so, as the use of information technology is also increasingly gaining wide acceptability in the management of crime in the world. This is, however, not the case in Nigeria even with the significance of law enforcement agencies on crime management. The fact is, while crime has lasted for some time now, the scope velocity and momentum have increased progressively over the years, thus posing a serious challenge to law enforcement agencies and governments. For this study, we adopted the descriptive survey design and data were collected from a sample of 400 respondents from within Kogi state chapter of the police, civil defense, and Nigerian drug law enforcement agency. Data collected were analyzed using a number of statistical techniques frequency tables and percentages. Findings show that the police and other law enforcement agencies are yet to combat crime management in Nigeria in spite of the increasing wave of criminal activities. Based on this finding, I recommended various solutions like community policing, cordial relationship between the agencies and the public, installation of street cameras in the Kogi state and other major cities of the state and vis a vis Nigeria. There should also be awareness campaigns, public education by the government in collaboration with non-Governmental Organizations on the increasing prevalence of crimes in the society. This project is focused on studying the significance of law enforcement agencies on crime management in Nigeria. The study discovered that inadequate training does significantly contribute to ineffective crime management by law enforcement agencies in Nigeria. ...
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