 Home»Animal Nutrition» Carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of f1 progenies of fulani ecotype and frizzled feather crossbred with Arbor Acre chickens

Carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of f1 progenies of fulani ecotype and frizzled feather crossbred with Arbor Acre chickens

 Department: Animal Nutrition  
 By: usericon Ore_ofe12  

 Project ID: 7950
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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This study was conducted to assess carcass performance and organ weight characteristics in Nigerian local chicken and crossbred chickens as influenced by breed and sex. Base population had 60 dams, 25 each of Frizzled feather and Fulani ecotype and 10 exotic sires (Arbor Acre). The experiment had 2 genetic groups–Arbor Acre sire x Frizzled feather dam (AAFF) and Arbor Acre sire x Fulani Ecotype dam (AAFE). Data generated from the carcass parameters were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using SAS 2003. The result showed that breed and sex were significantly different (p0.05) in some of the carcass and organ parameters.  Breed significantly affected (p0.05) all carcass parameters except for bled weight, eviscerated weight, thigh weight, breast weight, and neck weight were not significantly affected ( p0.05). The highest live weight was observed in AAFE (1128.67 ± 38.91g). Males had higher values on all the carcass parameters live weight (1137.43 ±30.28g), bled weight (1093.43 ±27.86g), de-feathered weight (1045.86 ±28.64g) eviscerated weight (868.00 ±28.57g), Shank weight (48.57 ± 2.57g), thigh weight (121.43 ± 4.99g)  breast weight (209.71 ± 9.68g), back weight (185.14 ± 10.54 g), Neck weight (48.29 ± 2.63g) and drumstick weight (116.57± 3.11g). It was concluded that genetic variation exists among the progenies for the traits and that Arbor Acre x Fulani Ecotype is best suited for improving the local stock in the study area. ...
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