 Home»Medical Laboratory Science» Prevalence of some soil transmitted helminths in central primary school Tilden Fulani Toro lga Bauchi state

Prevalence of some soil transmitted helminths in central primary school Tilden Fulani Toro lga Bauchi state

 Department: Medical Laboratory Science  
 By: usericon Absaad  

 Project ID: 8005
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Soil transmitted helminths (STHs) are a common public health concern among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. A study to determine the prevalence of some soil transmitted helminths among Central Primary Pupils in Tilden Fulani community Toro Local Government Area Bauchi State, Nigeria was conducted. The formo-ether concentration technique was used to concentrate and separate the eggs and cysts from the faeces. Out of 107 pupils (56males and 51 females) investigated, 81 (75.7%) were positive for at least one gastrointestinal helminth. The parasites identified included Ascaris lumbricoide (58.0%), Hookworms (28.4%), Trichirus trichiura (13.6%) and A.lumbricoide + T. trichiura (6.3%). Ascaris lumbricoide was significantly (P0.05) different in the prevalence in relation to sex. Of the 44 males infected, 24(54.5%), 5 (11.4%), 13(29.5%) and 2(4.5%) haboured A. lumbricoide, T. trichiura, Hookworms and mixed infection (A. lumbricoide + T. trichiura) repectively. Out of the 37 females infected, 21 (56.8%), 3(8.1%), 10(27.0%) and 3(8.1%) haboured A. lumbricoide, T. trichiura, Hookworms and mixed infection (A. lumbricoid + T. trichiura) repectively. There was no significance difference in the prevalence of A. lumbricoide and Hookworms between males (54.5%) and females (56.8%). There was significant difference in prevalence among two major age groups (5-10years-45% and 11-15years-41.9%). Children within the age group of 16-20 years had the least infection (9.9%). Soil transmited helminths remain a public health concern among children in the study area. Provision of portable water, toilet facilities, good education on the epidemiology of STHs and regular de-worming will enhance control measures. ...
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