Phytochemical screening and anti-inflammatory activity of leaf extract of Peperomia Pellucida Kunth in-vitro Department: Chemistry By: Afeefah Project ID: 8015 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractPeperomia pellucida is widely used in traditional medicine such as the treatment of gouts, arthritis, inflammation and healing of wounds. The present study determined the phytochemical constituents of methanolic and aqueous extracts, as well as evaluated the in-vitro anti-inflammatory potential extracts. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, tannins, saponnins and phenols. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory activity was determined by protein denaturation technique and the extract showed strong anti-inflammatory activity indicating that P.pellucida can be used for designing potent anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of various diseases. Keywords: Phytochemical, Anti-inflammatory, Pharmacological, Peperomia pellucida, Extracts, Protein denaturation, antioxidant, anti-microbial, Inflammation....Preview Download Preview +Other Chemistry project topics and materials you might be interested in»Minerals and phytochemical analysis of watermelon seeds (Citrullus Lanatus)»Production of hair growth oil and body lotion from Pumpkin and Pawpaw seed oil»Kinectic study and heavy metals removals from used engine oil treated with groundnut shells»Synthesis and exploration of ion nanoparticles using costus after flower extract as a reducing agent»Ethanol production from cocoyam peels»Characteristics of humic substances from strongly acidic soil remediated and restored using humin enhanced biodegradable waste materials»Characteristics of humic substances from strongly acidic soil remediated and restored using CNB-TECH end product»Comparative study of physico-chemical properties and essential mineral of some fruit juice orange and tomato»Biodiesel production using soybean oil and characterization»Extraction and characterization of avocado seed oil»Production of biolubricant from Carica Papaya seed oil»Analysis of the quality of groundwater (boreholes)»Spectroscopic and phytochemical evaluation of methanolic extract of mahogany tree gum for possible biosynthetic process»Phytochemical and proximate analysis of Combretum Zenkeri Ubi»Biosynthesis of bark peel of aerial yam-magnesium oxide nano composites for biosensing application