Forensic accounting and financial fraud in the Nigerian banking industry Department: Accountancy By: Haybee4u Project ID: 8027 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research work examined the impact of forensic accounting on financial fraud in the Nigerian banking industry. Primary source of data was used, a total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to 6 sampled audit firms operating in Kano state. Chi-square was used to analyse the data generated from the various respondents the result showed that forensic accounting can be used to locate diverted funds, identify misappropriation of funds or assets and also detect fraudulent financial transactions in the Nigerian banking industry. Therefore, the findings of the study also recommend that forensic accounting can bring about quality financial control thereby reducing the chances of committing financial fraud, it also recommended that forensic accounting increase financial reporting credibility and restore confidence in the minds of the customers, investors and other users of financial information through accurate and timely identification of misappropriation of funds or assets and lastly, forensic accounting should be employed in banks to strengthen the quality of financial transactions so as to detect and reduce the rate of fraudulent financial transactions. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Accountancy project topics and materials you might be interested in»The Impact of Accounting Ratio in Decision Making ( A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc Enugu) »The impact of budget and budgetary control in tertiary institutions ( A Case study of imo state university )»Internal control as a tool for improving profitability»The role of financial institutions in the development of Nigeria economy»Impact of computerization of accounting system of commercial banks ( A case study of union bank plc )»The Impact of product development on banks performance ( A Case study of first bank plc )»Role of good accounting system in the management of private enterprise in Nigeria ( A Case Study of Nwaogo pam paper mills limited )»Effects of standard costing on the profitability of manufacturing companies (a case study of nigerian breweries plc, Ama, Udi local government of Enugu state) »The role of accounting system in measuring organizational performance of transport company ( A Case study of ABC Transport )»Auditing in Nigeria companies, problems and prospects»Effect of misrepresentation of information in a financial statement»Effective internal control as an aid to management efficiency ( Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Owerri )»The effects of computerized accounting system on the performance of banking industry in Nigeria»The impact of development finance institutions (DFIS) in economic development of Nigeria»An appraisal of fraud prevention measures in Nigerian banking sector ( Case study of access bank plc owerri )