 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of an online demographic system for birth rate and death rate registration - case study of National Bureau of Statistics Owerri, Imo state

Design and implementation of an online demographic system for birth rate and death rate registration - case study of National Bureau of Statistics Owerri, Imo state

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon samadchuks  

 Project ID: 8095
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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Demographic online birth and death registration is a process of recording or inputting the birth or death status of an individual. This registration platform is strictly designed to solve some of the problems encountered in health institutions, especially by developing a Demographic system of birth rate and death rate monitoring and analysis to monitor pregnant parents. To keep track of how many people are born and die each year to help the government plan properly. To develop a good program that will be able to keep accurate records of birth and death in a certain location drawing it a case study from the NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS, OWERRI IMO STATE. Considering the program it is developed using Wamp localhost server, PHP Programming language and MYSQL database. When implemented, this system will help solve numerous problems in the health service and the country at large for regular pollution checks....
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