Influence of coding and indexing on effective health care delivery system - case study of University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital, Ondo state Department: Health Information Management By: CUSTODIAN Project ID: 8172 Rating: (3.0) votes: 5Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe purpose of this work is to examine the influence of coding and indexing in effective healthcare delivery in the University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital Ondo (UNIMEDTH). This thesis is aimed at assessing the influence of coding and indexing in the healthcare delivery system. This is due to the fact that coding and indexing are facing challenges which makes it a little bit difficult, the following objectives were used for the study and the number of objectives was (5). In the course of the study, samples of 100 respondents were drawn from the population (workers and patients in the University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital Ondo UNIMEDTH). The procedure used in selecting the sample was the simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires containing 25 items were used as the instrument for data collection. Data collected were presented in a table and analyzed using simple percentages, from the analysis the following were obtained. That health workers and patients of UNIMEDTH have full knowledge and awareness of coding and indexing as shown by the majority of the respondents. Also, most of the respondents claimed they use coding and indexing and feel comfortable doing it. Coding and indexing have also shown great importance to physicians and health facilities by helping to cure certain illnesses, helping the government to monitor the progress of workflow in the establishment and it is also used for research purposes, it has helped to prefer solutions to problems arising from patients in UNIMEDTH while sharing vital information of coded cases to physicians. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Health Information Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»Analysis of filing system and consequences of misfiling»Impact of health information management in healthcare delivery»Evaluation of the problems and constraints facing health record keeping and professionals»Assessment of challenges of health information management practice in General Hospital Ilorin, Kwara State»Analysis of filing system and consequences of misfiling patients health records in University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara state»A study into causes of misfiling among health information management professionals in health records department - case study of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara state»Factors militating against effective documentation in health care delivery system in University of Benin Teaching Hospital Benin City, Edo state»Evaluation of confidentiality of patient health records among hospital staff»Evaluation of patient appointment system - a case study of university of Ilorin teaching hospital»Impact of electronic medical records on patients waiting time in health care delivery system in Federal Medical Center, Asaba, Delta state»Effect of lack of health information computerization in the primary health care system»Causes and consequences of breach of confidentiality of patient health information in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos state»Impact of health statistics in the health care delivery system at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara State»Evaluation of the importance of health information management in primary health care»The challenges of effective communication between health information officers and patients (case study of Federal Medical Centre, Nguru Yobe state)