 Home»English» A phonological analysis of Nigerian English pronunciation among Taraba state university undergraduate students of English

A phonological analysis of Nigerian English pronunciation among Taraba state university undergraduate students of English

 Department: English  
 By: usericon benblezy  

 Project ID: 8173
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The study examines the phonological analysis of Nigerian English pronunciation among Taraba State University undergraduate students. The research was carried out based on the presupposition that the English spoken by the students is different from RP English and is likely to mislead or distort the communication process. The research used Generative Phonology Theory and adopted the descriptive research design. The study was carried out in Taraba State University, Jalingo and data were obtained through the use of questionnaires. The findings revealed that the speech by the majority of the respondents does not conform to RP English because it is characterized by semantic alteration which changes the meaning of words. These problems were caused by phonological processes such as: substitution, frication, stopping, affrication, long vowel reduction, monophthongization of diphthongs, epenthesis and deletion. The findings of this work show that aside from the mother tongue interference, spelling and orthographical discrepancies were also other significant factors that affected the speech production of the respondents. Some of the words were pronounced as spelt by almost half of the population. The following recommendations were made: students of English should practise more using all available technological avenues such as practising on the internet, using the pronouncing dictionary, going on video chatting with L1 users of English, etc....
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