 Home»Guidance and Counselling» Influence of broken homes on attitude among guidance and counseling student of Federal University Dutsin-ma

Influence of broken homes on attitude among guidance and counseling student of Federal University Dutsin-ma

 Department: Guidance and Counselling  
 By: usericon muhalhq  

 Project ID: 8238
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This study investigated the influence of broken homes on the attitudes of Guidance and Counseling students at Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria. Broken homes, defined as families experiencing parental separation or divorce, are a prevalent social issue with potential consequences for children's well-being. The research aimed to explore the prevalence of broken homes among Guidance and Counseling students, their attitudes associated with such backgrounds, and how their experiences shaped their perceptions and career aspirations. Building on existing literature on family dynamics and student development, the study employed a quantitative approach with a survey questionnaire distributed to a sample of[sample size] Guidance and Counseling students. The sample was selected through a[sampling technique] method, ensuring the representativeness of the student population at Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Data analysis revealed a high prevalence of broken homes among the students. While some reported withdrawn behavior, others demonstrated independence, resilience, and empathy. Their experiences significantly influenced their perceptions of family, relationships, and seeking help. Interestingly, broken homes appeared to motivate some students to pursue careers in helping professions. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the experiences of Guidance and Counseling students from broken homes. The findings emphasize the need for university support programs and counselor sensitivity to cater to their unique needs and perspectives. Additionally, integrating topics related to family dynamics and coping mechanisms within the Guidance and Counseling curriculum can equip these future professionals to better support clients from diverse family backgrounds. Further research, including longitudinal and qualitative studies, can provide even richer insights into this critical area....
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