 Home»Community Health» Knowledge and prevalence of drug abuse among youths in Owo lga, Ondo state, Nigeria

Knowledge and prevalence of drug abuse among youths in Owo lga, Ondo state, Nigeria

 Department: Community Health  
 By: usericon CUSTODIAN  

 Project ID: 8275
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Drug abuse is the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances (substances that can change the consciousness, mood and thoughts of those who use them). They include legal drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol. It is a disorder that is characterized by destructive patterns that lead to significant problems. This study employed a cross-sectional descriptive study designed to determine the knowledge and prevalence of drug abuse among youths in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the level of knowledge of youths on drug abuse, determine the prevalence of drug abuse in the study area and determine the relationship between drug abuse and selected socio-demographic factors. Four hundred and ten questionnaires were administered and three hundred and eight were retrieved, respondents were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data generated was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 and the results were presented using tables and figures. The result from this study showed that 340(96.9%) respondents had knowledge about drug abuse, but 261(65.6%) exhibited a high knowledge level on drug abuse their major source of information (knowledge) was school 122(32.3%). About 5.0% had no idea of drug abuse while 34.9% indicated the prevalence of drug abuse. Individuals should adhere to their knowledge of the effects of drug abuse and the government should see into the effectiveness of laws that prohibit the use of hard drugs among youths....
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