Design and development of a web-based student academic advising systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Apr. 17, 2024 Hits:1,012
Fabrication of electrical popcorn machineDepartment: Mechanical EngineeringLevel: NDBy: mike04 Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Dec. 17, 2020 Hits:2,043
Design and implementation of an intranet office chat applicationDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (3.0) votes12Added:Nov. 13, 2020 Hits:1,792
Design and implementation of an online whistleblower reporting systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Nov. 12, 2020 Hits:1,299
Design and implementation of web-based human resource management systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: mike04 Rating: (3.4) votes10Added:Nov. 2, 2020 Hits:3,175
Bank recapitalization - imperative implications, options and strategies for banksDepartment: Financial Management TechnologyLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (3.1) votes21Added:Oct. 24, 2020 Hits:1,136
Design and implementation of staff attendance system using biometric (fingerprint)Department: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (3.1) votes12Added:Oct. 21, 2020 Hits:3,010
An appraisal of multinational companies and their social responsibilities in their host communitiesDepartment: Public AdministrationLevel: HNDBy: mike04 Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 30, 2020 Hits:1,046
Planning and decision making techniques - an effective tool for local governments - a case study of Kabba-bunu local government council of Kogi stateDepartment: Public AdministrationLevel: HNDBy: mike04 Rating: (3.0) votes10Added:Aug. 23, 2020 Hits:1,003
Rural infrastructural development as a solution to rural-urban migration - a case study of Lokoja local government area of Kogi stateDepartment: Public AdministrationLevel: HNDBy: mike04 Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Aug. 21, 2020 Hits:1,972