Design and development of a diagnostic expert system for kidney diseasesDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (2.7) votes14Added:May. 6, 2018 Hits:2,094
Design and simulation of authentication and adaptive security for DNS systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (2.4) votes17Added:May. 2, 2018 Hits:5,085
Design and implementation of road traffic management systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.2) votes174Added:May. 1, 2018 Hits:3,951
Design and implementation of voice-based email system for blindsDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.2) votes289Added:Apr. 30, 2018 Hits:16,449
Computerization of medical records and diagnosisDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: mike04 Rating: (1.8) votes42Added:Apr. 26, 2018 Hits:2,186
Design and development of personnel information systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.6) votes67Added:Apr. 24, 2018 Hits:3,804
Design and implementation of transaction monitoring system using bank verification number (BVN)Department: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (2.8) votes15Added:Apr. 20, 2018 Hits:2,514
Design and implementation of a laundry management systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.3) votes194Added:Apr. 15, 2018 Hits:10,998
Design and implementation of Bluetooth security softwareDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.8) votes42Added:Apr. 12, 2018 Hits:2,107
Design and implementation of a computerized employee clocking systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mike04 Rating: (1.2) votes157Added:Apr. 9, 2018 Hits:4,826