Electrical power distribution information systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: linus081 Rating: (1.7) votes34Added:Mar. 13, 2018 Hits:1,951
Design and implementation of computer-based marketing information systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: linus081 Rating: (1.1) votes101Added:Mar. 13, 2018 Hits:3,053
GPS and GPRS based telemonitoring system for emergency patient transportationDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: linus081 Rating: (3.1) votes12Added:Mar. 11, 2018 Hits:2,058
Expert system for human nutrition analysisDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: linus081 Rating: (2.6) votes15Added:Mar. 10, 2018 Hits:3,792
An interactive wireless solution for next-generation education systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: linus081 Rating: (2.8) votes18Added:Mar. 3, 2018 Hits:2,492
Integrated web-based management application for small business enterprise (SME)Department: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: linus081 Rating: (3.4) votes110Added:Mar. 2, 2018 Hits:2,754
Electronic health record (EHR) encryption systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: PostgraduateBy: linus081 Rating: (3.0) votes14Added:Mar. 2, 2018 Hits:1,855
Design and implementation of a web-based sim registration system for MTN NigeriaDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: linus081 Rating: (2.9) votes36Added:Mar. 1, 2018 Hits:4,206
Directory of student disciplinary actions in Crescent UniversityDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: linus081 Rating: (3.3) votes59Added:Mar. 1, 2018 Hits:1,856
Design and implementation of security support system for enhancement of cashless transactionDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: linus081 Rating: (2.3) votes77Added:Mar. 1, 2018 Hits:2,008