School population and academic performance of basic school studentsDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Sep. 2, 2019 Hits:1,896
Design and implementation of an e-library android appDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: mattkings Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Aug. 31, 2019 Hits:1,976
Design and construction of 2KVA inverterDepartment: Electrical Electronics EngineeringLevel: HNDBy: mattkings Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Aug. 30, 2019 Hits:3,550
Influence of drug abuse on students' academic performanceDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 30, 2019 Hits:1,844
Design and implementation of file encryption and hash systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: NDBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 27, 2019 Hits:1,888
Consequences of child abuse on students academic performance as perceived by secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolisDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 27, 2019 Hits:1,391
Design and implementation of mobile software for computation of students CGPADepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: HNDBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 22, 2019 Hits:1,981
Design and implementation of a simulated voice ATM machineDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: NDBy: mattkings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Aug. 22, 2019 Hits:1,532
Design and implementation of an online hotel reservation systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: NDBy: mattkings Rating: (3.6) votes10Added:Aug. 22, 2019 Hits:5,053
Development of an improved application on web security for financial transactionsDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: PostgraduateBy: mattkings Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Aug. 18, 2019 Hits:1,564