Factors affecting secondary school oral English instructionBy: besterine97Level: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Mar. 10, 2020 Hits: 2,115
Effect of drill and practice on the academic achievement of students in English language in junior secondary schoolsPopularBy: besterine97Level: BscRating: (3.3) votes: 18Added:Mar. 8, 2020 Hits: 4,677
Strategies for improving low academic performance in English language in secondary schoolsPopularBy: besterine97Level: BscRating: (2.9) votes: 18Added:Mar. 8, 2020 Hits: 8,322
Problems and prospects of teaching secretarial subjectsBy: sagiersageerLevel: PostgraduateRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Jan. 23, 2020 Hits: 1,058
Factors responsible for the decline of secondary school education in Nassarawa Lga, Kano stateBy: sagiersageerLevel: PostgraduateRating: (3.5) votes: 11Added:Nov. 17, 2020 Hits: 1,016
The effect of adult functional literacy programme on the economic development of women in Bosso local government area of Niger stateBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Jan. 7, 2020 Hits: 1,089
Impact of resource centres on the promotion of literacy education programme in Lavun local government area of Niger stateBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: BscRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Jan. 14, 2020 Hits: 1,049
The level of application of science process skills by computer science students in senior secondary school in Minna, Niger StateBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Jan. 7, 2020 Hits: 964
Assessment of the importance of teaching practice as an integral part of teacher education in NigeriaBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: BscRating: (3.3) votes: 15Added:Jan. 22, 2020 Hits: 1,154
Factors that influence career day talk in National Examination Council School, MinnaBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: BscRating: (3.3) votes: 6Added:Jan. 20, 2020 Hits: 1,159