The effect of unemployment on economic growth in NigeriaDepartment: EconomicsLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.1) votes20Added:Apr. 2, 2020 Hits:1,312
Self-medication and its associated factors among pharmacy students of Madonna University, EleleDepartment: Medical Laboratory ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.1) votes21Added:Apr. 2, 2020 Hits:1,688
Factors that influence the patronage of traditional birth attendants in Umuowa community Orlu Lga, Imo StateDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Apr. 1, 2020 Hits:1,462
Factors influencing the attitudes of women toward family planning in Rivers stateDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Apr. 1, 2020 Hits:1,469
Awareness of determinants of sexual abuse and identification of supportive care among female nursing student of Madonna UniversityDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Mar. 31, 2020 Hits:1,442
Awareness and practices in the prevention of iron deficiency anaemia among elderly in Owan east Lga, Edo stateDepartment: Public HealthLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.1) votes21Added:Mar. 31, 2020 Hits:1,338
Assessment of the utilization of standard precaution in the prevention of disease among health care workers in Madonna University Teaching HospitalDepartment: Public HealthLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.1) votes21Added:Mar. 31, 2020 Hits:1,410
Awareness and practice of pressure sores prevention in the care of the elderly among nurses in Madonna University Teaching HospitalDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Mar. 30, 2020 Hits:1,451
Assessment of practices used in the prevention of Lassa fever infection among health workers in Madonna University Teaching HospitalDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Mar. 30, 2020 Hits:1,399
Assessment of exclusive breastfeeding in the development of under-five children in Madonna University Teaching HospitalDepartment: Nursing ScienceLevel: BscBy: Ekings Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Mar. 30, 2020 Hits:1,420