The influence of advertising on consumers brand preference of Star Maggi - study of house wives in Ikot Ekpene UrbanDepartment: Mass CommunicationLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes2Added:Sep. 25, 2021 Hits:700
Ikot Ekpene audience perception of AKBC television news commercializationDepartment: Mass CommunicationLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes2Added:Sep. 24, 2021 Hits:701
Design and implementation of examination administration system - case study of Akwa Ibom State PolytechnicDepartment: Computer EngineeringLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (3.3) votes12Added:Sep. 23, 2021 Hits:1,553
Uyo urban residents perception of rebranding Nigeria projectDepartment: Mass CommunicationLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Sep. 22, 2021 Hits:647
Influence of akbc radio on Indomie noodle commercials on the buying habit of consumers in Uyo local government areaDepartment: Mass CommunicationLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Sep. 21, 2021 Hits:744
Design and implementation of an automated semester result computation system - case study of Computer Science Department, Akwa Ibom State PolytechnicDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (4.5) votes2Added:Sep. 20, 2021 Hits:1,120
Design and implementation of mobile phone registration systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (4.7) votes6Added:Sep. 20, 2021 Hits:2,024
Compare the compressive strengths of concrete mix using different fine aggregatesDepartment: Civil EngineeringLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes4Added:Sep. 19, 2021 Hits:1,017
Estimation of the level of heavy metals and antinutrients in Cyperus esculentus (Tiger nut) sold in Ikot Ekpene marketDepartment: Science TechnologyLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (5.0) votes3Added:Sep. 19, 2021 Hits:876
Evaluation of soil and stabilized sample using quarry dust as an additiveDepartment: Civil EngineeringLevel: NDBy: samfilo31 Rating: (3.6) votes7Added:Sep. 19, 2021 Hits:987