Online pawnshop for studentsPopularBy: vicbest01Level: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 35Added:Dec. 28, 2017 Hits: 3,669
Design and implementation of text to speech application for vision impaired studentsPopularBy: clems0123Level: HNDRating: (3.3) votes: 145Added:Dec. 26, 2017 Hits: 4,154
Design and implementation of software for the accounting system in a local governmentBy: philip123Level: HNDRating: (3.0) votes: 117Added:Dec. 20, 2017 Hits: 2,293
Design and implementation of web-based bus scheduling system for a transport companyPopularBy: felix123Level: BscRating: (2.7) votes: 113Added:Dec. 14, 2017 Hits: 4,704
Design and implementation of a criminal profiling software using fuzzy algorithmPopularBy: cooltechguy2Level: BscRating: (2.9) votes: 23Added:Dec. 11, 2017 Hits: 2,772
Design and implementation of natural language communication (a case study of English and Igbo language) By: vicbest01Level: HNDRating: (2.0) votes: 64Added:Dec. 3, 2017 Hits: 2,319
Design and implementation of a computerized hotel business billing systemBy: clems0123Level: BscRating: (1.7) votes: 55Added:Nov. 28, 2017 Hits: 2,208
Design and implementation of a simplified arithmetic game for elementary schoolBy: peterjohnLevel: BscRating: (3.0) votes: 17Added:Nov. 26, 2017 Hits: 2,219
Design and implementation of aviation management information systemBy: felix123Level: BscRating: (3.0) votes: 101Added:Nov. 25, 2017 Hits: 2,130
Design and implementation of online student complaint management systemPopularBy: vicbest01Level: BscRating: (3.2) votes: 518Added:Nov. 24, 2017 Hits: 17,184