The effect of service quality dimension on customer satisfactionBy: sammy1991Level: BscRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Mar. 23, 2024 Hits: 617
Investigate the effects of substituting shea butter with margarine in cake makingBy: sammy1991Level: HNDRating: (2.0) votes: 4Added:Mar. 24, 2024 Hits: 684
Production, acceptability and assessment of yoghurt using non-diary source (Sesame seed)By: AlexanderLevel: NDRating: (4.5) votes: 2Added:Oct. 29, 2023 Hits: 1,037
A survey on the impact of online fraud committed in the course of reservation in the hospitality industry (case study of Nasarawa Luxury Hotel, Lafia)By: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (4.0) votes: 2Added:Sep. 7, 2023 Hits: 889
Assessing hotel social responsibility to its host community (a case study of Hilcon Royal Hotel and Timafeek Hotel, Lafia)By: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Sep. 3, 2023 Hits: 908
An assessment of the impact of motivation on employee’s productivity in hospitality industry (case study of Hallyday Hotel and Doo palace hotel, Makurdi)By: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Sep. 2, 2023 Hits: 936
A survey on the incidence of food poisoning among catering establishments (a case study of Benue hotel and Doo palace hotel, Makurdi)By: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 2Added:Aug. 19, 2023 Hits: 960
A survey on the methods of preparation and preservation of selected meat products (Sausage, Meatpie, Samosa and Shawarma) in Lafia townBy: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Sep. 1, 2023 Hits: 958
An assessment on the nutritional status of students of Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 Polytechnic, LafiaBy: Ayaka001Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Aug. 27, 2023 Hits: 632
Assessment of restaurant patronage in Katsina metropolisBy: Realone83Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Jul. 9, 2023 Hits: 685