Effective maintenance policy as a tool for sustaining housing stock in downturn economy in Ebonyi StateBy: lightbearer2019Level: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Jun. 10, 2020 Hits: 1,147
An assessment of the trends in rental values of commercial properties in Abakaliki 2008 - 2018By: Andy96Level: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:May. 23, 2020 Hits: 1,243
The impact of noise pollution on the residential property values in Enugu metropolis of Enugu state with a view to making necessary recommendationsBy: lightbearer2019Level: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:May. 20, 2020 Hits: 1,770
A comparative analysis of the maintenance culture of public property in UnwanaBy: ChukwuemekaLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:May. 21, 2020 Hits: 1,425
The impact of demand pressure on property value in Enugu metropolis from 2009 - 2018By: ChukwuemekaLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:May. 20, 2020 Hits: 1,397
Impact of sanitary landfills towards sustainable development in NigeriaBy: EkingsLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 21Added:Apr. 16, 2020 Hits: 1,926
Building collapse in Nigeria - design or construction problemBy: Flexygold1996Level: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Mar. 27, 2020 Hits: 1,332
Challenges and opportunities associated with private sector participation in housing developmentBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: HNDRating: (3.2) votes: 22Added:Jan. 7, 2020 Hits: 1,964
Nature and quality of rented house in Wailari ward Kumbotso Local Government AreaBy: sagiersageerLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 26Added:Dec. 28, 2019 Hits: 1,292
Effect of location on rental value of commercial property - a case study of Bida metropolisPopularBy: ExpresshubpubLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Sep. 25, 2019 Hits: 3,737