The effect of crude avocado and pawpaw leaves extract on kidney function of guinea pigsPopularBy: francis05Level: HNDRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Jun. 28, 2020 Hits: 2,530
Isolation and identification of microbes associated with spoilage breadPopularBy: EnnysholaLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 17Added:Mar. 22, 2020 Hits: 6,855
Isolation and identification of bacterial aerosols bioaerosols dump sites in YenagoaBy: jerrisonLevel: BscRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Dec. 3, 2019 Hits: 2,361
Synergistic assessment of the anti-bacterial activities of magnifera indica Telfairia occidentialis and Ocimum gratissimumBy: jerrisonLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 21Added:Dec. 22, 2019 Hits: 1,819
Incidence of staphylococcus and salmonella species in Kunuaya retailed in YenagoaBy: jerrisonLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Dec. 8, 2019 Hits: 2,231
Therapeutic potential of Moringa Oleifera leavesPopularBy: jessy03Level: HNDRating: (3.3) votes: 38Added:Apr. 25, 2017 Hits: 4,609
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Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial assessment of Spondias Mombin (Ijikara)PopularBy: verao123Level: HNDRating: (2.2) votes: 78Added:Apr. 1, 2017 Hits: 3,761