Geology and mineralogical investigation of reservoir sandstone in part of Doko and JimaDepartment: GeologyLevel: BscBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:May. 2, 2023 Hits:543
The geological and geophysical investigation of groundwater potential of part of Minna Gidan Makun Pago sheet 185 nw north central NigeriaDepartment: GeologyLevel: BscBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Apr. 30, 2023 Hits:594
The major roles played by educated Nigerian women in social and economic development of our country (a study of Lapai local government area of Niger state)Department: Public AdministrationLevel: BscBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Apr. 27, 2023 Hits:632
Cost accounting as a tool for performance evaluation in a manufacturing company using Maizube farm limited Niger state as a case studyDepartment: Business Administration and ManagementLevel: BscBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Mar. 13, 2023 Hits:907
Drug abuse and its effects on students attitude to their academicsDepartment: Public AdministrationLevel: HNDBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (3.0) votes2Added:Mar. 5, 2023 Hits:1,071
Effect of branding and packaging on consumers purchase decision (a study of selected products in central market, Bida)Department: Business Administration and ManagementLevel: HNDBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Mar. 4, 2023 Hits:1,163
The language of feminism and its implicaton on the society - a study of Mariama Ba’s So Long a LetterDepartment: EnglishLevel: BscBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Feb. 5, 2023 Hits:596
Analysis of written grammatical errors in french language committed by senior secondary school studentsDepartment: EducationLevel: PostgraduateBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Jan. 8, 2023 Hits:565
Mineral and sensory properties of “Ekuru” produced from cowpea and watermelon seed flour blendsDepartment: Food Science TechnologyLevel: HNDBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (5.0) votes1Added:Jan. 2, 2023 Hits:1,112
Competency skills required office technology and management graduates for employmentDepartment: Office Technology and ManagementLevel: HNDBy: bapatigi7954 Rating: (3.0) votes2Added:Oct. 31, 2022 Hits:1,219