The impact of forensic accounting in detection and prevention of fraud in commercial banks - a study of selected banks in NigeriaDepartment: AccountancyLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.4) votes10Added:Jan. 14, 2020 Hits:2,158
Impact of value added tax on revenue generation in NigeriaDepartment: AccountancyLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Jan. 14, 2020 Hits:1,300
The assessment of the impact of corporate governance on financial performance of deposit money banks in NigeriaDepartment: AccountancyLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Jan. 14, 2020 Hits:1,203
Audit committee characteristics and earnings management of listed consumer goods in NigeriaDepartment: AccountancyLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Jan. 14, 2020 Hits:1,283
The use of instructional materials in teaching economics in some selected secondary schools in Kano Municipal local government areaDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Dec. 24, 2019 Hits:1,343
An analysis of the conceptual knowledge of drug abuse among biology studentsDepartment: Biological ScienceLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.1) votes21Added:Dec. 19, 2019 Hits:1,801
A study on assessment practice in secondary schools - a case study of some selected secondary schools in Gwale local government area, Kano stateDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.3) votes6Added:Dec. 17, 2019 Hits:2,107
Impact of social interaction among learners on academic performance in literacy centers - a case study of Kumbotso local government area, Kano stateDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.0) votes12Added:Dec. 17, 2019 Hits:2,182
The causes of poor academic performance among senior secondary students in FCT Abuja - a case study of selected secondary schools in Abaji Area Council.Department: EducationLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.2) votes11Added:Dec. 16, 2019 Hits:1,574
Impact of 5E teaching cycle on attitude retention and performance in genetics among students with varied abilities in northwest zone, NigeriaDepartment: EducationLevel: BscBy: rainnjazz Rating: (3.0) votes10Added:Dec. 16, 2019 Hits:1,440