Cooperative society as an instrument of rural developmentPopularBy: tunde01Level: HNDRating: (4.5) votes: 99Added:Jan. 2, 2017 Hits: 5,217
Cooperative societies - a viable tool for creating investment opportunities in rural areasPopularBy: clems0123Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 40Added:Jan. 2, 2017 Hits: 4,218
Cooperative activities on small scale industrial developmentPopularBy: ichikeobi31Level: HNDRating: (2.4) votes: 206Added:Jan. 2, 2017 Hits: 5,619
Analysis of the causes and effect of poor performance of cooperative societies in Imo state (A case study of selected cooperatives in Obowo L.G.A) PopularBy: peterjohnLevel: HNDRating: (2.6) votes: 176Added:Jan. 2, 2017 Hits: 4,182
An assessment of the performance of agricultural cooperative societies in Imo state (A case study of selected agricultural cooperative societies in Owerri north local government area) PopularBy: jessy03Level: HNDRating: (3.4) votes: 108Added:Jan. 2, 2017 Hits: 2,886
Government Policies on Small Scale Business, its Impact on Nigeria Cooperative Development ( A Case Study of Cooperatives Societies in Anambra State )PopularBy: clems0123Level: NDRating: (3.5) votes: 328Added:Nov. 11, 2013 Hits: 6,152