Evaluation of confidentiality of patient health records among hospital staffPopularBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 16Added:Mar. 7, 2021 Hits: 3,683
Auto-authentication of patient records entries in paper-based environment - case study of General Hospital, Lagos IslandBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: HNDRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Jul. 10, 2021 Hits: 819
Effect of lack of health information computerization in the primary health care systemPopularBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: HNDRating: (3.3) votes: 18Added:Feb. 12, 2021 Hits: 2,854
Roles of health information management on disease control in Offa Local Government Area of Kwara StateBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 12Added:Jun. 13, 2021 Hits: 1,255
The impact of public relation between health workers and patients in the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin, Kwara StateBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: HNDRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Jun. 21, 2021 Hits: 1,311
Assessment of challenges of health information management practice in General Hospital Ilorin, Kwara StatePopularBy: iamjahmeyouLevel: HNDRating: (3.1) votes: 17Added:Feb. 7, 2021 Hits: 5,826
Analysis of filing system and consequences of misfilingPopularBy: JikansamboLevel: BscRating: (3.1) votes: 22Added:Dec. 22, 2019 Hits: 7,867