Impact of ghost workers syndrome on the economic development of Nigeria - a study of Kogi state civil service commission, LokojaPopularBy: HadjiEedriz207Level: HNDRating: (3.6) votes: 7Added:Apr. 16, 2019 Hits: 2,678
Impact of small and medium scale enterprise on employment generation in Kogi state - a case study of YISAB communication, LokojaBy: HadjiEedriz207Level: HNDRating: (3.3) votes: 6Added:Apr. 16, 2019 Hits: 2,101
The impact of fiscal policy on the Nigeria economyBy: jessy03Level: NDRating: (3.2) votes: 5Added:Apr. 15, 2019 Hits: 1,815
Gender preference in the employment of workersPopularBy: vick123Level: HNDRating: (3.2) votes: 10Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 2,818
The effects of trade unionism in influencing workers performanceBy: vick123Level: NDRating: (3.3) votes: 6Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 1,667
Distress management and prevention strategies for the Nigerian banking systemBy: vick123Level: NDRating: (3.3) votes: 6Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 1,543
The impact of strategic planning and management in the attainment of organizational goalsBy: vick123Level: NDRating: (3.3) votes: 6Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 1,855
An evaluation of the effect of manpower training and development in service organizationsBy: vick123Level: BscRating: (3.4) votes: 10Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 1,792
Corporate social responsibility in Nigerias telecommunication sectorBy: vick123Level: BscRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Apr. 8, 2019 Hits: 1,824
The contribution of inventory control practices to the sustainability of hotel establishment in Nike Lake ResortBy: linus081Level: BscRating: (3.2) votes: 11Added:Apr. 3, 2019 Hits: 2,366